Strategies for how to deal with tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder
The first key to dealing with tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder is to understand them. This means identifying the causes that lead to behavioral problems. Parents can reduce tantrums by identifying previous events that could lead to them occurring.
Tantrums resulting from autism spectrum disorder may differ from tantrums in young children with typical development. For autism spectrum disorder, tantrums can occur in children and adults.
Tantrums can occur in children with autism spectrum disorder when the child experiences intense emotional or sensory overload to the point that he can no longer control his behavior. It can appear in the form of withdrawal or verbal and physical agitation and may last for a long time. Tantrums can be difficult for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, behavioral interventions and strategies can help reduce tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Why do tantrums occur in children with autism spectrum disorder?
Language delays and communication deficits are symptoms of autism spectrum disorder that can lead to frustration in children with autism spectrum disorder due to their inability to communicate wants and needs effectively.
Tantrums are a natural way children may use to attract negative attention. The occurrence of tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder is different and may not only be used as a tool to get something the child wants, as it may represent a loss of control in them due to their inability to communicate appropriately. Outbursts of anger may completely overwhelm the sensory and emotional system and result in a loss of control over behavior. Children with autism spectrum disorder may have challenges regulating emotions and may have difficulty changing daily routines.
Types of tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder
It can occur at any age and is not limited to children only. It may pose a challenge for parents when going out in public. Anger attacks are often preceded by some warning signs, such as verbal or physical signs. Also self-stimulating behaviors or repetitive behaviors such as, Hand flapping may be one of the warning signs.
Tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder can be verbal or physical. One study showed that children with autism spectrum disorder were more aggressive toward their caregivers. Self-harm is another concern as a quarter of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder may intentionally harm themselves in some way.
How tantrums occur in children with autism spectrum disorder
- Social withdrawal
- Escape
- Screaming
- Hitting, kicking, or assaulting others
- Self-harm behaviors such as biting, hitting, hit the head, Extreme crying
Tantrums in a child with autism spectrum disorder can be the result of several different triggers. like, sensory overload, Change in daily routine, communication difficulties, Anxiety.
How to reduce tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder
there Several strategies for how to deal with tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder, Of which:
Determine the possible cause: By tracking the child’s behavior. Notice what happened before, during, and after the behavior problem. It can help you figure out what’s causing the problem and how to reduce or limit your child’s tantrums in the future.
Anticipating behavioral problems before they occur: There are often signs that appear in a child with autism spectrum disorder before the behavioral problem occurs, such as: Self-stimulating behaviors and signs of anxiety. Distracting the child or removing the potential stressor can limit the occurrence of the behavior problem.
Reduce potential triggers: There are many things that can lead to tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder. The child’s sensitivity to loud noises in the environment can be reduced by using headphones. You must have a way to handle sudden changes that cannot be avoided or eliminated as well. Make time for a break and teach the child strategies for how to deal with anxiety and stress such as, Breathe deeply. Teach the child to communicate appropriately so that he can express his needs to the parents.
Be calm: Parents should be calm and understanding for their child with autism spectrum disorder during a tantrum.
Providing space for the child: It may take some time for a child with autism spectrum disorder to calm down. Such as safe spaces or quiet rooms, and this solution may be difficult when going out in public places. The child may hold a ‘picture card’ to show that he or she needs some space and understanding.
Child’s attention: Parents can distract or change the child’s attention by shifting his focus to something else.
note: Parents should keep the child with autism spectrum disorder safe during a tantrum by holding the child tightly. When transporting a child with autism spectrum disorder, the environment must be safe and controlled, and sometimes it may take more than one adult to keep everyone safe during a tantrum.
Effective interventions with children with autism spectrum disorder during a tantrum
Parents may play an essential role in helping a child with autism spectrum disorder during a tantrum. Therefore, Intervention through an applied behavior analysis approach may improve communication skills, which may reduce the possibility of tantrums in children with autism spectrum disorder due to their ability to express and communicate appropriately.
Role playing can be an effective way for parents and professionals to set expectations about how to behave in different situations and environments. The child can also be trained on how to interact in different social situations, such as the experience of waiting in line.
Parents must set expectations for the child with autism spectrum disorder and what he should do in different situations and environments in order to reduce tantrums and behavioral problems.
Strategies to Handle Autism Meltdowns Like an Expert (