Applied Behavior Analysis Sessions at the Center

Training includes the following areas:

Expressive Language Receptive Language Social Skills Play Skills Academic Skills Independence Skills

Why seven dimensions?

Home Sessions

Scientifically proven practices

All methods used are derived from applied behavior analysis and have been proven effective through scientific research in improving individuals' abilities to acquire skills and reduce behavioral problems.

Home Sessions

Service supervision

All sessions are supervised by certified behavior analysts to verify the intervention plan, take into account individual needs, the validity of procedures, and monitor the beneficiary’s progress towards the set goals.

Home Sessions

Quality and commitment

We at Seven Dimensions strive to provide a high level of quality in providing applied behavior analysis services to provide the maximum possible benefit to the beneficiary and his family.

Home Sessions


Seven Dimensions is committed to signing a pledge from all employees authorized to view the identification data of the beneficiary and the family to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the information and not to share it with a third party except for the benefit of the beneficiary and with the approval of the family.

Home Sessions

Documentation and data collection

Data is collected for training attempts during sessions to increase objectivity. Data is also converted into graphs for visual analysis of the beneficiary's performance level in training objectives.

Home Sessions

Family training

The service includes training the family on interventions and how to deal with the beneficiary to achieve integration and generalization of interventions.

Home Sessions

Coordination with other parties

We assist the family with referrals and coordination with other relevant agencies such as schools, hospitals and rehabilitation centers.

Home Sessions

Continuous evaluation

Supervisors in the Seven Dimensions work to continuously update treatment plans based on the beneficiary’s progress.

Home Sessions

exploiting natural opportunities

Natural opportunities and events are exploited and turned into training attempts during play, eating, and other natural events.

They said about seven dimensions services

الابعاد السبعة توفر خدمات نحتاجها والجودة عالية جدا والاشراف دائم
الابعاد السبعة توفر خدمات نحتاجها والجودة عالية جدا والاشراف دائم
والدة رائد اليوسف
خدمة رائعه من مختصين بالمجال ورسوم جداً مقبوله في وقت اصبح الخدمات بالاي بي اي جداً مبالغه وغير مقبوله
بدرية أم أحمد
خدمة الجلسات المقدمة من الأبعاد السبعة ممتازة واستفاد أحمد بشكل واضح شكر كبير للجهود المبذولة من الاستاذة المتميزة وداد الغزالي والمشرفين القائمين على تنفيذ الخطة
ممتازة جداً
خدمة مميزة تساعد الأهل لتحقيق الأهداف بأكثر طريقة مريحة
سعود أصبح اكثر تقدم اتباع اوامر والطلب بشكل مستقل يحتاج تعميم في أماكن مختلفه والشكر للأستاذ علي القحطاني على مساعدته معاي نسأل الله ان يوفقه ويسعده سعادة يثلج به صدره
Sawsan jayyousi
مواعيد دقيقة ومتابعة مستمرة وخطة واضحة

Question and Answer

The application is submitted on the form below and you will be contacted to coordinate appointments.

From 3 years to 12 years for both genders

You can get an introductory session about the services provided at the Seven Dimensions Center for free.

We have an initial skills assessment service that can be requested separately from the package to help you decide on the right package. The price of the initial assessment of skills and behavioral problems is 750 riyals.

Verbal and communicative behavior training sessions are provided based on the principles of applied behavior analysis and include the skills of requesting, echolalia, naming, speaking, reading, and writing. They are effective and scientifically proven, but may not completely replace the speech and language services in some cases.

Yes, you can get customized packages by contacting us and explaining your desires.

Interested and have questions and inquiries? Register your information and we will contact you

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