Down Syndrome Centers and Services in Riyadh
Down Syndrome Centers and Services in Riyadh
Centers, schools and health services that provide all services to individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome, including:
Voice of Down Syndrome Association
contact number: 920029522
Educational and rehabilitation services are provided to individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Riyadh – Hittin
DSCA Association
contact number: 0114421060
Educational and rehabilitation services are provided to individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Riyadh – Al-Ma’athar
Saudi Center for Down Syndrome
contact number: 0114008999
Educational and rehabilitation services are provided to individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Riyadh-Jerusalem
Efada Day Care Centre
contact number: 0559462848
Educational and rehabilitation services are provided to individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Riyadh- Cordoba
A center for challenge and creativity
contact number: 0112287984
Educational and rehabilitation services are provided to individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Riyadh – Seville
Oasis Day Care Centre
contact number: 0112120050
A day care center that provides educational and rehabilitative services for individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Riyadh-Seville
Obour Day Care Center
contact number: 0555256411
A day care center that provides educational and rehabilitative services for individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Al-Rawda neighborhood – Al-Narjis neighborhood – Dhahrat Laban neighborhood – Namar neighborhood – Al-Aziziyah neighborhood – Al-Malqa neighborhood – Al-Muayzaliyah neighborhood
Al-Nadaiya Day Care Center
contact number: 0114233353
A day care center that provides educational and rehabilitative services for individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Badr neighborhood
Shorouk Najd Day Care Centre
contact number: 0112327744
A day care center that provides educational and rehabilitative services for individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: King Faisal neighborhood
Saud fingerprint center
contact number: 0112753872
A day care center that provides educational and rehabilitative services for individuals diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
the site: Narjis neighborhood
Directory of special needs service providers in Saudi Arabia (abadc.com.sa)